Example 1. Source Code
PART I. Getting Started with TypeScript

CHAPTER 1. Your First TypeScript Application

Using a Third-Party Package

CHAPTER 3. JavaScript Primer, Part 1

Understanding the this Keyword

Changing the Behavior of the this Keyword

Listing 3-34. Setting the this Value in the index.js File in the primer Folder
let myObject = {
    greeting: "Hi, there",
    writeMessage(message) {
        console.log(`${this.greeting}, ${message}`);
myObject.writeMessage = myObject.writeMessage.bind(myObject); (1)
greeting = "Hello";
myObject.writeMessage("It is sunny today");
let myFunction = myObject.writeMessage;
myFunction("It is sunny today");

CHAPTER 4. JavaScript Primer, Part 2

CHAPTER 6. Testing and Debugging TypeScript

Unit Testing TypeScript

npm install --save-dev jest
npm install --save-dev @types/jest
npm install --save-dev ts-jest

Configuring the Test Framework

module.exports = {
    "roots": ["src"],
    "transform": {"^.+\\.tsx?$": "ts-jest"}

Creating Unit Tests

Listing 6-16. The Contents of the calc.test.ts File in the src Folder
import { sum } from "./calc";
test("check result value", () => {
    let result = sum(10, 20, 30);

Starting the Test Framework

npx jest
PART II. Working with TypeScript

CHAPTER 7. Understanding Static Types

Example 2. Chapter Summary
Specify a type

Use a type annotation or allow the compiler to infer a type

Inspect the types that the compiler infers

Enable the declarations compiler option and inspect the compiled code

Allow any type to be used

Specify the any or unknown types

Prevent the compiler from inferring the any type

Enable the noImplicityAny compiler option

Combine types

Use a type union

Override the type expected by the compiler

Use a type assertion

Test for a primitive value type

Use the typeof operator as a type guard

Prevent null or undefined from being accepted as values of other types

Enable the strictNullChecks compiler option

Override the compiler to remove null values from a union

Use a non-null assertion or use a type guard

Allow a variable to be used when it has not been assigned a value

Use the definite assignment assertion

CHAPTER 8. Using Functions

Example 3. Chapter Summary
Allow a function to be called with fewer arguments than parameters

Define optional parameters or define parameters with default values.

Allow a function to be called with more arguments than parameters

Use a rest parameter

Restrict the types that can be used for parameter values and results

Apply type annotations to parameters or function signatures

Prevent null values from being used as function arguments

Enable the strictNullChecks compiler option

Ensure that all function code paths return a result

Enable the noImplicitReturns compiler option

Describe the relationship between the types of a function’s parameters and result

Overload the function’s types

CHAPTER 9. Using Arrays, Tuples, and Enums

Example 4. Chapter Summary
Restrict the range of types that an array can contain

Apply a type annotation or allow the compiler to infer the types from the value used to initialize the array

Define fixed-length arrays with specified types for each value

Use a tuple

Refer to a collection of related values through a single name

Use an enum

Define a type that can be assigned only specific values

Use a literal value type

Avoid duplication when describing a complex type

Use a type alias

Using Enums

enum Product { Hat, Gloves, Umbrella }

Using Type Aliases

enum City { London = "LON", Paris = "PAR", Chicago = "CHI" }
type comboType = [string, number | true, 1 | 2 | 3 | City.London][];

CHAPTER 10. Working with Objects

Example 5. Chapter Summary
Describe an object to the TypeScript compiler

Use a shape type

Describe irregular shape types

Use optional properties

Use the same shape to describe multiple objects

Use a type alias

Prevent compiler errors when a type contains a superset of the properties in a shape

Enable the suppressExcessPropertyErrors compiler option

Combine shape types

Use type unions or intersections

Type guard for object types

Check the properties defined by an object using the in keyword

Reuse a type guard

Define a predicate function

CHAPTER 11.Working with Classes and Interfaces

Example 6. Chapter Summary
Create objects consistently

Use a constructor function or define a class

Prevent access to properties and methods

Use the TypeScript access control keywords

Prevent properties from being modified

Use the readonly keyword

Receive a constructor parameter and create an instance property in a single step

Use the concise constructor syntax

Define partial common functionality that will be inherited by subclasses

Define an abstract class

Define a shape that classes can implement

Define an interface

Define a property dynamically

Use an index signature

interface Person {
    name: string;
    getDetails(): string;
class Employee implements Person {
    constructor(public readonly id: string, public name: string,
            private dept: string, public city: string) {
        // no statements required
    getDetails() {
        return `${this.name} works in ${this.dept}`;

CHAPTER 12. Using Generic Types

Example 7. Chapter Summary
Define a class or function that can safely operate on different types

Define a generic type parameter

Resolve a type for a generic type parameter

Use a generic type argument when instantiating the class or invoking the function

Extend a generic class

Create a class that passes on, restricts, or fixes the generic type parameter inherited from the superclass

Type guard a generic type

Use a type predicate function

Describe a generic type without providing an implementation

Define an interface with a generic type parameter

PART III. Creating Web Applications

CHAPTER 15. Creating a Stand-Alone Web App, Part 1

npx webpack
npx webpack-dev-server

Creating the Data Model

public addProduct(prod: Product, quantity: number) {
    if (this.lines.has(prod.id)) {
        if (quantity === 0) {
        } else {
            this.lines.get(prod.id)!.quantity += quantity; (1)
    } else {
        this.lines.set(prod.id, new OrderLine(prod, quantity));

Creating the Data Source

export type ProductProp = keyof Product; (1)