Chapter 2: Getting Started

Create an Angular Application
% ng new web-arcade
? Would you like to add Angular routing? Yes
? Which stylesheet format would you like to use? Sass
Add Service Worker
ng add @angular/pwa
Run the Angular Application
npm run build
npm install -g http-server  (1)
http-server dist/web-arcade
1 Instead of ng serve

Chapter 3: Installing an Angular Application

Create a Component
ng g c components/dice

Chapter 5: Cache Data with Service Workers

Adding a Component to List Board Games
ng generate component components/board-games
Define a Data Structure for Board Games
ng generate interface common/board-games-entity
export interface BoardGamesEntity {
   title: string;
   description: string;
   age: string;
   players: string;
   origin: string;
   link: string;
   alternateNames: string;

/* Multiple games data returned, hence creating an Array */
export interface GamesEntity {
   boardGames: Array<BoardGamesEntity>;
Mock Data Service
npm install --save-dev express-generator

md mock-services
cd mock-services
npx express-generator
fileReplacements in Angular 15:
Create anĀ Angular Service
ng generate service common/games
Run app in browser redirecting unknown requests to NodeJS
npm run build && http-server dist/web-arcade --proxy http://localhost:3000

Chapter 6: Upgrading Applications

ng g s common/sw-communication