Chapter 6: SportsStore: Orders and Checkout

Связь между /store и /cart через src/app/model/cart.model.ts

Path Component Function



Add to Cart button



Товары в корзине



Форма с адресом доставки



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Редактирование товара

Angular Basics

  1. Angular CLI Commands:

    • Create a new Angular app: ng new my-app

    • Generate components, services, modules, etc.: ng generate component my-component

  2. Angular Components:

    • Building blocks of Angular applications.

    • Create a component: ng generate component my-component

    • Components consist of a TypeScript class, an HTML template, and a CSS style file.

  3. Templates:

    • HTML files defining the component’s UI.

    • Use double curly braces {{ }} for data binding.

  4. Directives:

    • *ngIf: Conditional rendering.

    • *ngFor: Looping through arrays.

  5. Interpolation:

    • {{ variableName }}: Display dynamic data in templates.

  6. Event Binding:

    • (event)="function()": React to user events (e.g., clicks).

  7. Property Binding:

    • [property]="value": Bind a property to a component property.

  8. Two-way Data Binding:

    • [(ngModel)]="property": Bind input field and component property (requires FormsModule).

Angular Modules

  1. NgModule:

    • Decorator for creating Angular modules.

    • Every app has at least one module (the root module).

  2. Declarations:

    • List of components, directives, and pipes used within the module.

  3. Imports:

    • Other modules that this module depends on.

  4. Providers:

    • Services and dependencies.

Angular Services

  1. Services:

    • Singleton objects used to share data and logic.

    • Generate a service: ng generate service my-service

  2. Dependency Injection:

    • Inject services into components and other services.


  1. RouterModule:

    • Provides routing and navigation functionality.

  2. Routes:

    • Define application routes with associated components.

  3. Router Outlet:

    • Placeholder where routed component views are displayed.


  1. FormsModule and ReactiveFormsModule:

    • For handling forms in Angular.

  2. Template-driven Forms:

    • Use Angular directives in the template.

  3. Reactive Forms:

    • Create forms programmatically with FormControl and FormGroup.


  1. RxJS:

    • Angular extensively uses RxJS for handling asynchronous operations.

  2. Observable:

    • Represents a stream of data over time.

  3. Subscriptions:

    • Subscribe to observables to receive data.


  1. HttpClient:

    • Angular’s module for making HTTP requests.


    • HTTP methods for interacting with a server.

Lifecycle Hooks

  1. ngOnInit, ngOnDestroy, etc.:

    • Methods to react to component lifecycle events.

  2. ngOnChanges:

    • React to input property changes.

  3. ngDoCheck:

    • Detect and act upon changes in a component.


  1. Karma:

    • Test runner for Angular applications.

  2. Jasmine:

    • Testing framework for writing unit tests.

TypeScript Basics

  1. Installing TypeScript:

    • Install TypeScript globally: npm install -g typescript

  2. Creating a TypeScript File:

    • Create a .ts file, e.g., app.ts.

  3. Compiling TypeScript:

    • Compile TypeScript to JavaScript: tsc app.ts

  4. Running TypeScript:

    • Use Node.js or a browser to run the generated JavaScript.

Variables and Types

  1. Variable Declarations:

    • Declare variables with let, const, or var.

  2. Type Annotations:

    • Use : to specify variable types, e.g., let name: string.

  3. Basic Types:

    • string, number, boolean, null, undefined, symbol, object, any.

  4. Arrays and Tuples:

    • let list: number[] = [1, 2, 3];

    • Tuple: let tuple: [string, number] = ['hello', 42];

  5. Enums:

    • Create enum types: enum Color { Red, Green, Blue };


  1. Function Declarations:

    • Define functions with type annotations:

  function greet(name: string): string {
    return `Hello, ${name}!`;
  1. Optional and Default Parameters:

    • Make parameters optional with ? and provide defaults.

  2. Rest Parameters:

    • Collect multiple parameters into an array using …​.


  1. Defining Interfaces:

    • Declare object shapes with interfaces:

  interface Person {
    name: string;
    age?: number;
  1. Implementing Interfaces:

    • Implement interfaces in classes.

  2. Extending Interfaces:

    • Extend interfaces to create new ones.


  1. Class Declarations:

    • Define classes with properties and methods:

  class Car {
    make: string;
    constructor(make: string) {
      this.make = make;
  1. Inheritance:

    • Use extends to create subclasses.

  2. Access Modifiers:

    • Control access to class members with public, private, and protected.


  1. Exporting and Importing:

    • Export modules with export and import them with import.

  2. Default Exports:

    • Use export default for the default export of a module.


  1. Generic Functions:

    • Create reusable functions and classes with generics.

function identity<T>(arg: T): T {
  return arg;
  1. Generic Constraints:

    • Restrict the types that can be used with generics.

function getLength<T extends { length: number }>(arg: T): number {
  return arg.length;

Type Assertion

  1. Type Assertion:

    • Use <Type> or value as Type to assert a type when necessary.

let value: any = 'Hello, TypeScript!';
let length = (value as string).length;

Declaration Files

  1. Declaration Files (.d.ts):

    • Use declaration files to define types for third-party libraries.

TypeScript Configuration

  1. tsconfig.json:

    • Configure TypeScript settings in a tsconfig.json file.

  2. Compiler Options:

    • Set compiler options like target, module, and outDir.

RxJS Basics

  1. Installing RxJS:

    • Install RxJS using npm: npm install rxjs

  2. Importing RxJS:

    • Import RxJS features using import { Observable, of, from, Subject } from 'rxjs';

  3. Creating Observables:

    • Create observables with Observable.create(), of(), or from().

  4. Subscribing to Observables:

    • Subscribe to an observable using the subscribe() method.

  5. Unsubscribing:

    • Unsubscribe from an observable to prevent memory leaks: subscription.unsubscribe();


  1. Pipeable Operators:

    • Use operators like map(), filter(), mergeMap(), and switchMap() to transform and manipulate data streams.

  2. Chaining Operators:

    • Chain multiple operators together using the pipe() method.

  3. Creating Operators:

    • Create custom operators by defining functions that return functions.


  1. Subjects:

    • Subjects are both observables and observers.

    • Use Subject, BehaviorSubject, or ReplaySubject.

  2. Publishing Values:

    • Publish values to multiple subscribers using a subject.

  3. Complete and Error:

    • Subjects can complete or emit errors using complete() and error() methods.

Operators for Combining Observables

  1. merge():

    • Merge multiple observables into one.

  2. concat():

    • Concatenate observables sequentially.

  3. forkJoin():

    • Wait for all observables to complete and emit their last values.

  4. zip():

    • Combine values from multiple observables sequentially.

Error Handling

  1. catchError():

    • Handle errors gracefully within an observable pipeline.

  2. retry():

    • Retry an observable sequence on error.

Hot vs. Cold Observables

  1. Cold Observables:

    • Produce data only when subscribed.

    • Each subscriber gets its own independent sequence.

  2. Hot Observables:

    • Produce data continuously, even when there are no subscribers.

    • Subscribers share the same sequence.


  1. Schedulers:

    • Control the execution context and timing of observables.

    • Use schedulers like asyncScheduler, queueScheduler, and animationFrameScheduler.

  2. observeOn():

    • Specify the scheduler on which to observe values.

Subjects vs. Observables

  1. Subjects:

    • Both observable and observer.

    • Use when you need to multicast values to multiple subscribers.

  2. Observables:

    • Only observable.

    • Use for one-to-one data streaming.

Real-World Use Cases

  1. HTTP Requests:

    • Use RxJS for handling HTTP requests using Angular’s HttpClient.

  2. User Input Handling:

    • Manage user interactions and debouncing.

  3. WebSocket Communication:

    • Handle real-time data streams with WebSockets.

  4. State Management:

    • Implement state management solutions like NgRx with RxJS in Angular.