
import java.util.Optional;

public class HelloMockito {
    private String greeting = "Hello, %s, from Mockito!";
    private final PersonRepository personRepository;
    private final TranslationService translationService;

    public HelloMockito(PersonRepository personRepository, TranslationService translationService) {
        this.personRepository = personRepository;
        this.translationService = translationService;

    public String greet(int id, String sourceLanguage, String targetLanguage) {
        Optional<Person> person = personRepository.findById(id);
        String name ="World");
        return translationService.translate(
                String.format(greeting, name), sourceLanguage, targetLanguage);

    public HelloMockito(PersonRepository personRepository) {
        this(personRepository, new DefaultTranslationService());

    public HelloMockito(TranslationService service) {
        this(new InMemoryPersonRepository(), service);

    public String greet(int id) {
        Optional<Person> person = personRepository.findById(id);
        String name ="World");
        return translationService.translate(String.format(greeting, name));

    public String greet(Person person, String sourceLanguage, String targetLanguage) {
        return translationService.translate(
                String.format(greeting, person.getFirst()), sourceLanguage, targetLanguage);

    public void setGreeting(String greeting) {
        this.greeting = greeting;

    public String getGreeting() {
        return greeting;

The HelloMockito class in the provided Java code is designed to offer greeting services, potentially in different languages, and demonstrates dependency injection, use of interfaces, and optional handling. It’s structured to work within a hypothetical system where Person objects are stored and retrieved, and translations are performed by a translation service. Below is an explanation of its components and functionalities:


  • PersonRepository: An interface (assumed from the context) for managing Person objects, including retrieving them by ID.

  • TranslationService: An interface for translating text from one language to another.

  • DefaultTranslationService: A concrete implementation of TranslationService, used as a default if no translation service is explicitly provided.

  • InMemoryPersonRepository: A concrete implementation of PersonRepository, presumably storing Person objects in memory.


The class includes multiple constructors, demonstrating overloading and the use of this to chain them for dependency injection:

  1. Primary Constructor: Accepts both a PersonRepository and a TranslationService, allowing external configuration of these dependencies.

  2. Convenience Constructor for PersonRepository: Accepts only a PersonRepository and uses a default TranslationService.

  3. Convenience Constructor for TranslationService: Accepts only a TranslationService and uses an in-memory person repository.


  • greet(int id, String sourceLanguage, String targetLanguage): This method attempts to find a Person by ID using the PersonRepository. If found, it uses the person’s first name in the greeting; otherwise, it defaults to `World''. The greeting is then translated using the provided languages and the `TranslationService.

  • greet(int id): An overloaded version of the greet method that likely translates the greeting to a default language, as it doesn’t accept language parameters. It’s marked as unused, suggesting it might be for demonstration or future use.

  • greet(Person person, String sourceLanguage, String targetLanguage): Directly greets the provided Person object, translating the greeting into the specified languages.

  • setGreeting(String greeting) and getGreeting(): Methods to update and retrieve the greeting template. This allows for customization of the greeting message.

Key Concepts Demonstrated

  • Dependency Injection: The class demonstrates dependency injection both through its constructors and by allowing the injection of a custom greeting message. This design principle helps in making the code more modular, testable, and flexible.

  • Optional Handling: The use of Optional for handling the possibility of a Person not being found is a good practice for avoiding NullPointerException.

  • Interface-based Design: By depending on interfaces (PersonRepository and TranslationService) rather than concrete implementations, the class is more adaptable to changes in the way persons are stored or translations are performed.

Usage Scenario

This class could be used in an application that requires greeting users in different languages, possibly based on user preferences or settings. The flexibility in specifying different repositories and translation services makes it suitable for various contexts, including web applications, desktop applications, or even command-line tools.