
import org.junit.jupiter.api.DisplayName;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.ExtendWith;
import org.mockito.InOrder;
import org.mockito.InjectMocks;
import org.mockito.Mock;
import org.mockito.MockedConstruction;
import org.mockito.junit.jupiter.MockitoExtension;

import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.util.Optional;

import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.*;
import static org.mockito.AdditionalAnswers.returnsFirstArg;

class HelloMockitoTest {
    private PersonRepository repository;

    private TranslationService translationService;

    private HelloMockito helloMockito;

    @DisplayName("Greet Admiral Hopper")
    void greetForPersonThatExists() {
        // Set the expectations on the dependencies
                .thenReturn(Optional.of(new Person(1, "Grace", "Hopper",;
                "Hello, Grace, from Mockito!", "en", "en"))
                .thenReturn("Hello, Grace, from Mockito!");

        // Test the greet method
        String greeting = helloMockito.greet(1, "en", "en");
        assertEquals("Hello, Grace, from Mockito!", greeting);

        // Verify that the dependencies were called as expected
        InOrder inOrder = inOrder(repository, translationService);
                .translate(anyString(), eq("en"), eq("en"));

    @DisplayName("Greet a person not in the database")
    void greetForPersonThatDoesNotExist() {
                "Hello, World, from Mockito!", "en", "en"))
                .thenReturn("Hello, World, from Mockito!");

        String greeting = helloMockito.greet(100, "en", "en");
        assertEquals("Hello, World, from Mockito!", greeting);

        InOrder inOrder = inOrder(repository, translationService);
                .translate(anyString(), eq("en"), eq("en"));

    void greetWithDefaultTranslator() {
        PersonRepository mockRepo = mock(PersonRepository.class);
                .thenReturn(Optional.of(new Person(1, "Grace", "Hopper",;
        HelloMockito helloMockito = new HelloMockito(mockRepo);
        String greeting = helloMockito.greet(1, "en", "en");
        assertThat(greeting).isEqualTo("Hello, Grace, from Mockito!");

    void greetWithMockedConstructor() {
        // Mock for repo (needed for HelloMockito constructor)
        PersonRepository mockRepo = mock(PersonRepository.class);
                .thenReturn(Optional.of(new Person(1, "Grace", "Hopper",;

        // Mock for translator (instantiated inside HelloMockito constructor)
        try (MockedConstruction<DefaultTranslationService> ignored =
                             (mock, context) -> when(mock.translate(anyString(), anyString(), anyString()))
                                     .thenAnswer(invocation -> invocation.getArgument(0) + " (translated)"))) {

            // Instantiate HelloMockito with mocked repo and locally instantiated translator
            HelloMockito hello = new HelloMockito(mockRepo);
            String greeting = hello.greet(1, "en", "en");
            assertThat(greeting).isEqualTo("Hello, Grace, from Mockito! (translated)");

            // Any instantiation of DefaultTranslationService will return the mocked instance
            DefaultTranslationService translator = new DefaultTranslationService();
            String translate = translator.translate("What up?", "en", "en");
            assertThat(translate).isEqualTo("What up? (translated)");

    void greetWithMockedConstructorWithAnswer() {
        // Mock for repo (needed for HelloMockito constructor)
        PersonRepository mockRepo = mock(PersonRepository.class);
                .thenReturn(Optional.of(new Person(1, "Grace", "Hopper",;

        // Mock for translator (instantiated inside HelloMockito constructor)
        try (MockedConstruction<DefaultTranslationService> ignored =
                             invocation -> invocation.getArgument(0) + " (translated)",
                             invocation -> invocation.getArgument(0) + " (translated again)")) {

            // Instantiate HelloMockito with mocked repo and locally instantiated translator
            HelloMockito hello = new HelloMockito(mockRepo);
            String greeting = hello.greet(1, "en", "en");
            assertThat(greeting).isEqualTo("Hello, Grace, from Mockito! (translated)");

    void testGetterAndSetter() {
        assertThat(helloMockito.getGreeting()).isEqualTo("Hello, %s, from Mockito!");

        helloMockito.setGreeting("Hi there, %s, from Mockito!");
        assertThat(helloMockito.getGreeting()).isEqualTo("Hi there, %s, from Mockito!");

    @DisplayName("Integration test without mocks")
    void helloMockitoWithExplicitStubs() {
        PersonRepository personRepo = new InMemoryPersonRepository();

        helloMockito = new HelloMockito(
                new DefaultTranslationService()

        // Save a person
        Person person = new Person(1, "Grace", "Hopper",;;

        // Greet a user that exists
        String greeting = helloMockito.greet(1, "en", "en");
        assertThat(greeting).isEqualTo("Hello, Grace, from Mockito!");

        // Greet a user that does not exist
        greeting = helloMockito.greet(100, "en", "en");
        assertThat(greeting).isEqualTo("Hello, World, from Mockito!");

    @DisplayName("Greet Admiral Hopper")
    void greetAPersonUsingAnswers() {
        // Set the expectations on the dependencies
                .thenReturn(Optional.of(new Person(1, "Grace", "Hopper",;
                anyString(), eq("en"), eq("en")))

        // Test the greet method
        String greeting = helloMockito.greet(1, "en", "en");
        assertEquals("Hello, Grace, from Mockito!", greeting);

        // Verify that the dependencies were called as expected
                // gives an error: if one arg is an argument matcher, they all have to be
                // .translate(anyString(), "en", "en");
                .translate(anyString(), eq("en"), eq("en"));

    void greetPersonWithSpecifiedLanguages() {
        Person hopper = new Person(1, "Grace", "Hopper",
                LocalDate.of(1906, 12, 9));

        TranslationService mockTranslator = mock(TranslationService.class);
        when(mockTranslator.translate(anyString(), anyString(), anyString()))
                .thenReturn(String.format("Hello, %s, from Mockito", hopper.getFirst())
                        + " (translated)");

        HelloMockito helloMockito = new HelloMockito(mockTranslator);
        String greeting = helloMockito.greet(hopper, "en", "en");
        assertThat(greeting).isEqualTo("Hello, Grace, from Mockito (translated)");

This Java code is a set of unit tests for a class named HelloMockito within a hypothetical application, possibly related to greeting users. The tests are written using JUnit 5 (indicated by the use of @Test and @DisplayName annotations) and Mockito for mocking dependencies. The @ExtendWith(MockitoExtension.class) annotation at the class level integrates Mockito with JUnit 5, enabling the use of annotations like @Mock and @InjectMocks for dependency injection in test cases.

Breakdown of Key Components:

  • Dependencies Mocked:

    • PersonRepository: Likely used to fetch Person objects from a data source.

    • TranslationService: Likely provides functionality to translate text between languages.

  • @InjectMocks:

    • HelloMockito helloMockito;: An instance of the class under test, with its dependencies (PersonRepository and TranslationService) automatically injected by Mockito.

Test Case Summaries:

  1. greetForPersonThatExists: Tests greeting functionality for a person that exists in the repository. It mocks the behavior of the repository and translationService, simulates a greeting, and asserts the expected outcome.

  2. greetForPersonThatDoesNotExist: Similar to the first test but handles the case where the person does not exist in the repository.

  3. greetWithDefaultTranslator: Tests greeting functionality using a mock PersonRepository but with the default implementation of the translation service.

  4. greetWithMockedConstructor: Demonstrates how to mock the construction of an object (DefaultTranslationService in this case) using mockConstruction. It asserts that the translation service is mocked as expected.

  5. greetWithMockedConstructorWithAnswer: Similar to the previous test but uses mockConstructionWithAnswer to dynamically respond to method calls on the mocked object.

  6. testGetterAndSetter: Tests the getter and setter of the greeting message in the HelloMockito class.

  7. helloMockitoWithExplicitStubs: An integration test that uses actual implementations of PersonRepository (InMemoryPersonRepository) and DefaultTranslationService instead of mocks.

  8. greetAPersonUsingAnswers: Demonstrates the use of thenAnswer for stubbing, allowing for dynamic responses based on the input arguments.

  9. greetPersonWithSpecifiedLanguages: Tests the greeting functionality with specified languages, mocking the TranslationService to return a custom greeting message.

Key Concepts Illustrated:

  • Mocking and Stubbing: The tests demonstrate how to mock dependencies and stub their methods to return specific outcomes, facilitating isolated testing of the HelloMockito class functionality.

  • Order Verification: The greetForPersonThatExists and greetForPersonThatDoesNotExist tests use InOrder to verify that methods on mocks are called in a specific order.

  • Dynamic Responses: The use of thenAnswer and mockConstructionWithAnswer showcases how to provide dynamic responses based on the input to the mocked methods.

  • Integration Testing: The helloMockitoWithExplicitStubs test case shows an example of an integration test where actual implementations, instead of mocks, are used.

This suite of tests is a comprehensive demonstration of various Mockito features for mocking dependencies, verifying interactions, and testing class behavior in isolation from its dependencies.