✅ Free Canvas Access
Canvas is available to all users of free OpenAI ChatGPT. In situations where Canvas provides a better interface, it will automatically open when you issue a relevant prompt in your free ChatGPT account. You don’t need to select any specific GPT model for this. Also, as shown in the course, you can include the word "Canvas" in your prompt to clearly indicate that you’d like the result displayed in the Canvas environment.
✍ Collaborative Writing Prompts
In this section, you will find the prompts used in the Collaborative Writing lesson:
Research prompts
"search the web to list out Van Gogh’s brushing techniques in bullet points"
"write a research essay expanding on each tool"
Note: don’t forget you can highlight the text in canvas and ask back chatgpt
"reformat the content in markdown table"
"make it such that it is a lesson plan"
Tourism info & Email drafting prompts:
"search for the best restaurants in SF Mission"
"write an email to my friend inviting them to the San Ho Won restaruant using canvas"
"Make this tone to be a bit funnier"
"Make the second paragraph to be a bit friendlier"
Open canvas prompt
"open new canvas"
Creating travel itinerary prompts
"Suggest how to improve the writing style of the trip"
(In the example in the lesson) "Change the 2nd day to be in Kyoto"
"Search for the images of this place"
"Transform to be a blogpost"
Visualizing plots in canvas
(adding an image in ChatGPT) Reason through the plot and write a research report in canvas
"just graph the left o1-preview results in python canvas"
Try it yourself!
Prompt to create:
new emails
travel blogs
💻 Collaborative Coding Prompts
In this section, you will find the prompts used in the Collaborative Coding lesson:
Create animations prompts:
"create a simple sine wave matplotlib animation"
"make the plot dashed and red, make the lines thicker"
"create a matrix style flower of life visualization using numpy python"
Code in html prompts:
"create a self-contained HTML file"
Explain concepts prompts:
"Explain the concepts of the Kuhn’s theory of scientific revolutions in canvas"
"Create an interactive simulation that explains the concept behind this theory in an engaging way. Use 3d.js in a self-contained html file, make it aesthetic and interactive"
"Add a quiz to the visualization"
👾 Build a Spaceship Game Prompts
In this section, you will find the prompts used in the Build a Spaceship Game lesson:
"Create a simple spaceship battle game with competitive scoring system, with everything in one html file. Make it as interactive as possible. The feel should be retro-futuristic"
"I want to implement the logic where it would fail when my square would hit the red square, make it like a game with failures and leveling"
"When the game is over display the results of the score and have a key to restart"
"Create a feel of space with stars and moving orbits"
"Make the pink squares to gradually speeding up to make the game more fun and harder"
🔰 Creating SQL Database from Architecture Image Prompts
In this section, you will find the prompts used in the Creating SQL Database from Architecture Image lesson:
Link to the article shown/used in the lesson:
(add image from the article) "Create the SQL database based on the image and populate with the data, use canvas"
Example of the error shown in the lesson: "ERROR 1044 (42000) at line 1: Access denied for user 'user_42xrxdbef_42xxkpufp'@'%' to database 'schooldb'"
"Now fix the same issue with other tables"
"Add more teachers and subjects in the database and more students"
"Create a query for students who took math"
"Show the teacher for the students as well"
🛠 Try it yourself!
Prompt to create:
a new game
more databases